Monday, December 30, 2019
Math Facts Essay - 1881 Words
â€Å"Memorizing math facts is the most important step to understanding math. Math facts are the building blocks to all other math concepts and memorizing makes them readily available†(EHow Contributor, 2011). To clarify, a math fact is basic base-10 calculation of single digit numbers. Examples of basic math facts include addition and multiplication problems such as 1 + 1, 4 + 5, 3 x 5 and their opposites, 2 – 1, 9 – 4, 15/5(Marques, 2010 and Yermish, 2011). Typically, these facts are memorized at grade levels deemed appropriate to a student’s readiness – usually second or third grade for addition and subtraction and fourth grade for multiplication and division. If a child can say the answer to a math fact problem within a couple of†¦show more content†¦In the 1990’s, math curriculum reforms were introduced which replaced rote memorization with what is referred to as integrative math teaching. â€Å"This involves teaching many different concepts at the same time instead of sequentially, and using manipulatives in place of numbers to illustrate mathematical concepts long after number sense should have been mastered†(Groves, 2011). This switch in theory, caused serious controversy among mathematicians and math educators. If children have not yet mastered basic math facts, how can they be expected to master advanced concepts? Researchers believe that it is just too much too soon for young children (Groves, 2011). Tom Loveless says â€Å"Youngsters who have not mastered whole number arithmetic by the end of 4th grade are at risk of later becoming remedial students in mathematics.†Furthermore, he â€Å"urges that every student in the nation should receive a thorough grounding in arithmetic†(Loveless, 2011). The push to master facts by a certain age and prior to moving on to more complex math is most controversial with parents and teachers of gifted students. These students are often thought to be bored by simple, basic math concepts. Although â€Å"some of the very highest areas of math do not require automaticity of basic math facts, they do require automaticity of the skills that fall somewhere in between them and single-digit addition, and that those skills are very difficult to master and to automatize when theShow MoreRelatedBasic Math Facts On Math2643 Words  | 11 PagesMichalczuk‟s (2007) understood basic math facts to be an important skill for students to succeed in math. Michalczuk (2007) generalized students who could answer single-digit, 0 – 9, multiplication problems (2 times 3, or 5 times 7, etc.) â€Å"Within three seconds will do well at math and those that answer in less than one second will do excellent at math†(p. 1). Perso (2007) has defined the â€Å"looking back-to-basics†as a need to teach and focus on the basic arithmetic skills needed as a skill for higherRead MoreDifferences Between Facts And Theories Of Math And History Essay1074 Words  | 5 PagesDifferences in the Relationship between Facts and Theories: Math and History Theories have been defines as integrated set of concepts formed into propositions that explain different phenomena or events (Schneider 2), while facts as thing that is undisputed as the case or corresponds to the truth (Mellor 110). Both facts and theories are used to generate knowledge that can be applied in verse situations. However, the relationship between facts and theories differs between different areas of knowledgeRead MoreThe Golden Age Of Islamic Thought And Its Cultural Impact On Europe852 Words  | 4 Pageson Europe, Europeans denied this fact, their invents, thoughts, and ideas even being seemingly relevant all while their society was highly influenced by said denied facts. The historians and philosophers from Europe have denied Islam the credit that it really deserves for the development of modern culture. One thing that is stupidly ignored is their impact on mathematics. In today’s modern word there is more math than you could ever imagine, very difficult math at that. None of this would have trulyRead MoreHow Can Math Facts Help Solve Real World Word Problems? Essay993 Words  | 4 PagesTeacher: Loupe Title: I Can Add Doubles! Subject: Math Grade Level: 1st Grade Date: October 5th, 2016 Standard: 1.0A.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8+6=8+2+4=14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g.13-4=13-3-1=10-1=9): using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8+4=12, one knows 12-8=4); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., addingRead MoreThe Myth Of Im Bad At Math898 Words  | 4 Pagesfinished calculus before they apply to college with intent to prove that they can handle higher level classes. Intelligence is Malleable Purdue University psychologist Patricia Linehan writes: A body of research on conceptions of ability has shown two orientations toward ability. Students with an Incremental orientationRead MoreHow Does The Student s Affect His Or Her Learning And / Or Behavior?765 Words  | 4 Pagessingle direction question about a math problem; however, if the problem is asking him to set- up a multi-digit mathematical problem. He tends to have a more difficult time setting up mathematical problem with the correct math operation.One of (K) many strengths is his ability to read with fluency. He always will to help his fellow classmates on math problems that are easy for him to solve. His academic strength lies in math, even though, he struggles with higher math functions/problems. (K) has beenRead MoreDeveloping Fluency Requires A Balance And Connection Between Conceptual Understanding And Computation Proficiency941 Words  | 4 Pages SanGiovanni (2013) noted there are no â€Å"tricks†in math and the understanding math makes it easier (p. 6). Setting up opportunities for students to discover rules or generalizations allows them to exercise reasoning skills as they are making sense of math concepts. Once students understand the process of multiplication they are ready to focus on the number patterns and relationships that will help them internalize the basic multiplication facts. They should spend much of their time exploring patternsRead MoreI Am A Middle School Special Education Teacher1340 Words  | 6 Pagesgive specialized math instruction to two sixth grade classes, two seventh grade classes, and two eighth grade classes. The majority of my students perform between a kindergarten and second grade level. The exhibited math achievement gap across my classes is disturbing. Even though my students are identified as special needs, they should have made gains to their ability levels by middle school. Math skills are necessary skills. Math is everywhere. Students need to learn basic math skills, at minimumRead MoreMath, Education And Learning893 Words  | 4 PagesMath, Education Learning As an art enthusiast and a student majoring in Design, I can truly relate to the ideas being presented in the assigned videos and readings. Lockhart’s Lament was especially eye opening in my opinion; the theory behind it and they way the author delivers his thoughts fascinates me the most. As a result, I was compelled to finish reading it. I love art, and I feel privileged to be inspired to pursue it. There is not much complication in art unlike math. Art is transparentRead MoreThe Importance Of Instruction For Students With Or Without Disabilities1106 Words  | 5 Pages Goddard, 2010). In math, many students with disabilities struggle with declarative knowledge (math facts fluency), procedural knowledge (algorithms steps) and conceptual knowledge (math reasoning precision) (Hasselbring, Lott Zydney, 2006). A good understanding of all the aspects of math knowledge for solving higher order math equations (Hasselbring, Lott Zydney, 2006). To correctly calculate math problems, students need to recall basic math facts, execute math formulas strategies
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Societal Marketing The Marketing Strategy - 1606 Words
Societal marketing The societal marketing of a product is the value that exists in the minds of the consumers. This value represents the value that the consumers feel should be that of the brand based on their previous experience with the brand or the opinions that they gathered from the market about that particular brand. The societal marketing is built over time as consumers start to build expectations about the usage, durability and other attributes of the brand. It is also built through market opinion as consumers begin to learn about the brand from other consumers who have had previous experience with the brand. Companies can increase the societal marketing of their brands by deploying different marketing strategies that work for†¦show more content†¦They are not aware of the production process and the cost of raw materials and other related costs. They only build a feeling about the worth of the product. Therefore, the societal marketing of a brand can differ significantly from the real value of that brand. It can either be higher or lower. The consumers might be willing to a higher price for a brand that they feel is worth more even though its actual cost might be lower. In such cases the company is able to charge more than the normal price because of its high perception value.On the other hand, the consumers might be willing to pay less because of their low value even though the brand’s actual cost might be high. In such cases the company is forced to lower its price since the consumers won’t purchase the brand at a higher price. Societal marketing is both multi-dimensional and complex in nature and since is very difficult to measure in a precise way. It represents the interaction between the product and consumer. Furthermore, it is personal, comparative, preferential, perceptual, situational, and cognitive-affective in nature (Raquel and à ngeles, 2007). Societal marketing is important in consumer behavior and marketing for a number of reasons. In a competitive environment, companies attempt to create value for the consumers better than their competitors. They want to make sure that the consumers acquire their brand and receive better value relative to the brand’s
Saturday, December 14, 2019
People who influenced rizal Free Essays
When Racial was a young boy he would always spend time with his older brother, Pacing. He learned so many things from his brother. Pacing made a great impact on Racal’s life. We will write a custom essay sample on People who influenced rizal or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a child, Racial had so many interest, he was into painting, sculpting, reading, writing and many more. He grew up in a family that is exposed to books and there he learned to love reading and writing. One of the most important person that contributed to Racal’s being was his mother, Deodorant Alonso. During the time of Racal’s mother, it was very unlikely for a woman to reach college level, but she was able to reach college and was an expert in mathematics. Jose Racial learned from his mother about the ways of life and on being a good citizen to his country. There would be no Jose Racial if it was not for Deodorant Alonso. Because of Racal’s intelligence, he was sent to Banyan, a more advanced city in Laguna, and later on went to Atone Municipal nag Manila for advanced learning. There were parts of Jose Racal’s novels that was inspired by incidents that happened in Racal’s time. One incident that led Jose Racial to write about Isis in one of his novels was the incident that happened to his mother. Deodorant Alonso was accused of poisoning her sister-in-law and was punished without any proof. And another Incident that was told to Jose Racial by his brother was the execution of the SOMBRERO, an acronym denoting the surnames of the priests that was executed. How to cite People who influenced rizal, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Managing The Occupational Health And Safety -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Managing The Occupational Health And Safety? Answer: Introducation In a committee meeting goals for WHs procedures has to be highlighted. In auditing of WHS procedure relative to changes made in the last year, there can be various flaws highlighted. Teams within the organization will be asked to brainstorm ideas relative to any new implementation or improvement procedures that can be adopted for any possible lag areas. There have been other brainstorming ideas such as re-designing of the WHs procedures and policies existing within the operations (Quinlan 2010). While the suggestion might be lucrative, it would involve immense number of challenges to do away with the entire existing procedure all at once. Moreover this process does not hints at improvements rather it aims at reframing the entire process altogether. As per latest WHS policies and procedures existing, all areas within the purview of WHS policies will be overviewed. Then recommendations in every specific areas will be applied such that any possible gaps can easily be rectified. Discuss each recommendation and: Identify the best improvement for each procedure Write the name of the person who made the recommendation, write the recommendation Briefly write in your own words why this procedure was recommended over any others listed in the brainstorming session. Best improvements for each procedure is impossible to achieve at the current stage. Only recommended course of action following gaps in identified procedures can be undertaken. In order to improve procedures relative to WHS policies record keeping, documentation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring has to be adopted(Leggat 2011). A step by step will be the best practices adopted that can allow meeting objectives at the auditing procedures. Chris Bradshaw has recommended the practices for overcoming challenges faced within various departments relative to WHS policies. His recommendations were aimed at reducing current and on-going hazards in the workplace and improve overall processes. The organization did not earlier document procedures related to WHS, which can be a great challenged faced while auditing. While auditing in the organization, auditors will like to look at current documented procedures, then only improvements accommodated can be understood. In absence of WHS policies and procedures documents, there can be issues concerning compliance faced in those procedures. Earlier all standards, policies and procedures used to be orally said. But latest procedure of documentation will allow better monitoring of performance procedures with respect to WHS policy procedures. Monitoring and evaluation using KPI (Key Performance Indicator) scores will allow reviewing of standards in an easy manner. It will also allow to pr operly evaluate procedures pertaining to current state of affairs. There can be tallying of such policies with documented procedures that would enhance effectiveness of WHS procedures. In other recommendations obtained at brainstorming procedures documentation was not advised. Rather all suggestions appeared vague in front of this current recommendation. Through documentation, the organization could easily map its developmental progress in case of WHS procedures and policy. Moreover, such records can easily be referenced in case of need regarding any requirement pertaining to cases of injury. The organization will be easily able to produce such documents in courts of law in case any employee or outside agencies marketing falsified claims. In absence of documentation, the organization will face immense challenges and difficulties in resolving cases related to WHS or in settling any sort of claims. All proceedings will flow against the organization and in favor of the other party. Therefore, this recommendation appeared to be the most effective amongst all others brainstorming ideas obtained during the course of the meeting. If no recommendation for improvement is recommended, explain why. There have been a lot of recommendations that has been suggested at improving current state of affairs. All improvements hints at making significant changes to procedures currently followed at the organization. Reference List Leggat, S. G., Bartram, T., Stanton, P. (2011). High performance work systems: the gap between policy and practice in health care reform.Journal of health organization and management,25(3), 281-297. Quinlan, M., Bohle, P., Lamm, F. (2010).Managing occupational healthcare and safety. Palgrave Macmillan.
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